August Status Update

New Sample Automounters

The current automounters on the 24-ID-C and E beam lines have served us wonderfully in terms of stability and use. Over the past couple of years, all users have realized the advantages of using the automounters and have switched from manual mounting. However, the current automounters are limited to only four pucks at a time. This causes inconvenience to both users and staff, especially during remote data collection sessions. However, increasing the number of pucks in the automounter is complex not just a matter of installing a bigger dewar. We had to keep in mind the limited space in the hutch and the desire to maintain the current minimum detector distance. In June, many design aspects of the new 14-puck storage dewar and automounter were finalized. Over the summer, ordering and fabrication of the parts began for two new automounters. In this update, we provide a sneak peak at the dewars in progress.


Remote Data Collection on 24-ID-C

The successful implementation our unique remote data collection suite on 24-ID-E has drawn significant attention from our user community. As a natural extension, the NE-CAT Executive Committee and many of our users have been asking for remote data collection on 24-ID-C. Implementation of a remote access channel in CONSOLE was made in this summer and we anticipate basic data collection functions to be available on 24-ID-C during the 2013-3 run cycle. More advanced capabilities specific to the multi-wavelength line will be made incrementally.