NE-CAT Remote Account
Remote data collection at NE-CAT can be performed through our custom browser-based graphical user interface (GUI). Access to the NE-CAT Remote GUI is controlled through individual user accounts, and individuals who use the NE-CAT Remote GUI must log into their own personal account. New NE-CAT Remote user accounts can be requested by contacting your support staff assigned to your scheduled beam time.
In addition to the NE-CAT Remote GUI, users have access to NE-CAT's automated processing interface, RAPD. The RAPD interface can be viewed on most modern web browsers. Unlike Remote, RAPD uses accounts that are assigned to each research group as a whole. New research groups collecting data at NE-CAT will automatically have a RAPD account created for them. If you are not sure what the group log in information for RAPD is, please contact your support staff assigned to your scheduled beam time.