Technical Specifications for 24-ID-C Beamline

- Uses the out-board-projecting up-stream undulator
- Energy range between 6.5 – 20 keV.
- A focused beam of approximately 1.5x1013 Photons/Sec
- A focal spot size variable down to 23 µm horizonal X 5 µm vertically.
- Beam has an energy bandwidth of ΔE/E ~1 x 10-4 at an energy of ~12.66 keV at one sigma.
- Beam stable to a few microns.
- Beam line control system, "CONSOLE" developed by NE-CAT.
- Remote access through a NE-CAT developed web based user interface.
- Fast monochromatic rotary beam shutters with opening and closing times less than 5 msec, synchronized precisely with the motion state of the crystallographic spindle.
- MD2 diffractometer, with sphere of confusion of less than 3µ (less than 7µ with mini-kappa mounted). MD2 beam shaping system provides very clean beams from 5 microns to 100 microns in diameter and has exceptional sample visualization systems capable of visualizing micron-sized crystals with extreme clarity. Optional mini-kappa, MK3, available on demand.
- Modified ALS style sample automounter with a capacity of fourteen pucks.
- Oxford Cryo-Jet crystal cryocoolers. (100K to 300K)
- Amptek Silicon Drift Diode detectors for emission line scans and rapid identification of metals in crystalline or non-crystalline samples.
- Dectris EIGER2 X 16M pixel array detector. Detector can be lifted up to four modules. Maximum crystal-to-detector distance is 1200 mm and minimum is 150 mm. Shutter-less data collection and noiseless readouts improve the data quality significantly.