Interaction of N-methylmesoporphyrin IX with a hybrid left-/right-handed G-quadruplex motif from the promoter of the SLC2A1 gene.

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Nucleic Acids Res (2024)


<p>Left-handed G-quadruplexes (LHG4s) belong to a class of recently discovered noncanonical DNA structures under the larger umbrella of G-quadruplex DNAs (G4s). The biological relevance of these structures and their ability to be targeted with classical G4 ligands is&nbsp;underexplored. Here, we explore whether the putative LHG4 DNA sequence from the SLC2A1 oncogene promoter maintains its left-handed characteristics upon addition of nucleotides in the 5&#39;- and 3&#39;-direction from its genomic context. We also investigate whether this sequence interacts with a well-established G4 binder, N-methylmesoporphyrin IX (NMM). We employed biophysical and X-ray structural studies to address these questions. Our results indicate that the sequence d[G(TGG)3TGA(TGG)4] (termed here as SLC) adopts a two-subunit, four-tetrad hybrid left-/right-handed G4 (LH/RHG4) topology. Addition of 5&#39;-G or 5&#39;-GG abolishes the left-handed fold in one subunit, while the addition of 3&#39;-C or 3&#39;-CA maintains the original fold. X-ray crystal structure analyses show that SLC maintains the same hybrid LH/RHG4 fold in the solid state and that NMM stacks onto the right-handed subunit of SLC. NMM binds to SLC with a 1:1 stoichiometry and a moderate-to-tight binding constant of 15 μM-1. This&nbsp;work deepens our understanding of LHG4 structures and their binding with traditional G4 ligands.</p>
