
Bases without copper are the preferred bases for use with the Robot: CrystalCap ALS, CrystalCap SPINE HT, MiTeGen B1A, MiTeGen B5 SPINE, Molecular Dimensions SPINE.  Only CrystalCap Magnetic ALS and CrystalCap HT bases are recommended for use with the mini-Kappa goniometer which can be installed on 24-ID-C.  We discourage the use of any bases with copper stems in conjunction with our mini-Kappa goniometer.  The copper limits the strength of the magnetic coupling between the mini-Kappa goniometer and the base.  If you have any question about using your bases with our Robot, please contact an NE-CAT staff member.

Yale pins and non-magnetic screw cap bases will not work with the Robot. CrystalCap Copper Magnetic and the original CrystalCap Magnetic Bases (such as the ones used with SSRL-style robots) do not work with the NE-CAT Automounter. Original CrystalCap magnetic bases feature a flat ledge. Collison between the ledge and the gripper prevents the gripper from grabbing the base, resulting in a failure to mount and/or dis-mount the sample.

Ordering Information

Bases can be obtained from Hampton Research, MiTeGen or Molecular Dimensions.

Hampton Research CrystalCap ALS
Part Number HR4-779 (ALS) 
Vials must be purchased separately. The catalog number for vials is HR4-904. 

Hampton Research CrystalCap SPINE HT
Part Number HR8-112
Part Number HR8-116 (Caps & Vials combo) 

MiTeGen Goniometer Bases
Part Number GB-Bxx, Base Design - B1A or B5 SPINE

Molecular Dimensions Plain CryoCaps
Part Number MD7-404