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(2019) Practical Course in Macromolecular Crystallography. 36th Annual Symposium of The Protein Society, July 7-10, 2022
(2022) Northeastern Collaborative Access Team (NE-CAT) Crystallography Beam Lines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, May 26-30, 2017
(2017) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, July 22-26, 2016
(2016) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, July 20-24, 2019
(2019) NE-CAT Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. Membrane Protein Structures 2015 Meeting, April 9-12, 2015
(2015) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. Biophysical Society 62nd Annual Meeting, Feb 17-21, 2018
(2018) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. COMPPÅ Symposium on Membrane Protein Production and Analysis, June 17-19, 2018
(2018) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, July 20-24, 2018
(2018) NE-CAT Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. 23rd International Union of Crystallography (IuCr) and General Assembly, August 5-12, 2014
(2014) Challenging Structural Biology Research at NE-CAT. BES Trienniel Review of the APS, August 15, 2017
(2017) Two Divalent Metal Ions and Conformational Changes Play Roles in the Hammerhead Ribozyme Cleavage Reaction. Biochemistry. 54, 6369-81
(2015) Structure-based development of small molecule PFKFB3 inhibitors: a framework for potential cancer therapeutic agents targeting the Warburg effect. PLoS One. 6, e24179
(2011) Peptide Centric Vβ Specific Germline Contacts Shape a Specialist T Cell Response.. Front Immunol. 13, 847092
(2022) Northeastern Collaborative Access Team (NE-CAT) crystallography beamlines for challenging structural biology research. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances. 74, a97-a97
(2018) Molecular basis of the fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase reaction of PFKFB3: transition state and the C-terminal function. Proteins. 80, 1143-53
(2012) Mechanistic insights into validoxylamine A 7'-phosphate synthesis by VldE using the structure of the entire product complex. PLoS One. 7, e44934
(2012) How C-terminal additions to insulin B-chain fragments create superagonists for T cells in mouse and human type 1 diabetes. Sci Immunol. 10.1126/sciimmunol.aav7517
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(2017) BECN2 interacts with ATG14 through a metastable coiled-coil to mediate autophagy. Protein Sci. 26, 972-984
(2017) Recent Developments at NE-CAT, a Macromolecular Crystallography Synchrotron Facility. Indo-US International Conference/Workshop on Recent Advances in Structural Biology and Drug Discovery, October 9-11, 2014
(2014) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. Award Winners and Abstracts of the 32nd Annual Symposium of The Protein Society; Boston, MA, July 9-12, 2018. 27 Suppl 1, 11-245
(2018) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. Award Winners and Abstracts of the 31st Annual Symposium of The Protein Society, Montreal, Canada, July 24-27, 2017. 26, 6-209
(2017) NE-CAT: Crystallography Beamlines for Challenging Structural Biology Research. Award Winners and Abstracts of the 33rd Annual Symposium of The Protein Society; Seattle, Washington, June 30-July 3, 2019. 28, 12-211