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June Status Update

As stated in the previous status update, moving to the new piece of software to control the MD2 hardware is a necessary step in implementing shutter-less vector scans (kinematic scans) and taking full advantage of the speed of the PILATUS-6MF.  As a first step, during the May shutdown, shutter-less continuous vector scans became a reality.  It is now possible to perform continuous vector scans on 24-ID-C beamline without closing the shutter while the MD2 moves the crystal to a new position.

April News

Grant Awarded

On April 1, 2013, NE-CAT received word that the NIGMS Advisory Council had recommended that our grant be funded in full.  Though we are still subject to sequestration, we will be the “NE-CAT Center for Advanced Macromolecular Crystallography” for the next five years.

Winter Status Update

The 2013-1 run is in progress. On the surface, the NE-CAT beamlines look the same to the casual user. However, during the January shutdown, the control software for the MD2 underwent a major change. In collaboration with LS-CAT (Keith Briester), Malcolm has implemented a new software that controls the MD2 microdiffractometer by communicating directly to the Delta-Tau PMAC system (PMAC - Programmable Multi-Axis Controller) rather than through a COM server connected to the MD2 software provided by Maatel.

November Status Update

NIH Site Visit

On November 8th, the site-visit for NE-CAT's P41 grant application to NIGMS took place.  Reviewers were presented with short talks on our three Technology Research and Development (TR&D) Projects, PIs of the Driving Biomedical Projects for each of our TR&Ds spoke on the importance of NE-CAT to their research, and the reviewers were given a tour of the facility.

August Status Updates

Remote Data Collection

Testing of Remote Data Collection by select members of our user community continued throughout August.  These tests have enabled us to increase the stability of the remote data collection software. Currently, we plan to make remote data collection available on 24-ID-E beamline during the 2012-3 run.


APS Upgrade


General Users interested in beamtime for the upcoming 2012-3 run cycle should submit their requests to APS prior to the October 26th deadline.

Both of NE-CAT's ID beamlines 24-ID-E and 24-ID-C are now equipped with MD-2 Microdiffractometers and robotic sample auto-mount system. They are operational and accepting General User proposals.

July Status Update

Remote Data Collection
