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Liu, C., Yang, Y., and Schatz, D. G. (2019) Structures of a RAG-like transposase during cut-and-paste transposition. Nature. 575, 540-544
Unciuleac, M. - C., Goldgur, Y., and Shuman, S. (2019) Structures of ATP-bound DNA ligase D in a closed domain conformation reveal a network of amino acid and metal contacts to the ATP phosphates. J Biol Chem. 10.1074/jbc.RA119.007445
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Osko, J. D., Porter, N. J., Decroos, C., Lee, M. S., Watson, P. R., Raible, S. E., Krantz, I. D., Deardorff, M. A., and Christianson, D. W. (2020) Structural analysis of histone deacetylase 8 mutants associated with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome spectrum disorders. J Struct Biol. 213, 107681
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Gilbert, N. C., Gerstmeier, J., Schexnaydre, E. E., Börner, F., Garscha, U., Neau, D. B., Werz, O., and Newcomer, M. E. (2020) Structural and mechanistic insights into 5-lipoxygenase inhibition by natural products. Nat Chem Biol. 10.1038/s41589-020-0544-7
Niu, Y., Suzuki, H., Hosford, C. J., Walz, T., and Chappie, J. S. (2020) Structural asymmetry governs the assembly and GTPase activity of McrBC restriction complexes. Nat Commun. 11, 5907
