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Tararina, M. A., Yee, D. A., Tang, Y., and Christianson, D. W. (2022) Structure of the Repurposed Fungal Terpene Cyclase FlvF Implicated in the C-N Bond-Forming Reaction of Flavunoidine Biosynthesis. Biochemistry. 10.1021/acs.biochem.2c00335
Tararina, M. A., Yee, D. A., Tang, Y., and Christianson, D. W. (2022) Structure of the Repurposed Fungal Terpene Cyclase FlvF Implicated in the C-N Bond-Forming Reaction of Flavunoidine Biosynthesis. Biochemistry. 10.1021/acs.biochem.2c00335
Bogner, A. N., and Tanner, J. J. (2022) Structure-affinity relationships of reversible proline analog inhibitors targeting proline dehydrogenase. Org Biomol Chem. 10.1039/d1ob02328d
Bogner, A. N., Ji, J., and Tanner, J. J. (2022) Structure-based engineering of minimal Proline dehydrogenase domains for inhibitor discovery. Protein Eng Des Sel. 10.1093/protein/gzac016
Nakaya, T., Yabe, M., Mashalidis, E. H., Sato, T., Yamamoto, K., Hikiji, Y., Katsuyama, A., Shinohara, M., Minato, Y., Takahashi, S., Horiuchi, M., Yokota, S. - I., Lee, S. - Y., and Ichikawa, S. (2022) Synthesis of macrocyclic nucleoside antibacterials and their interactions with MraY. Nat Commun. 13, 7575
Simon, B., Lou, H. Jane, Huet-Calderwood, C., Shi, G., Boggon, T. J., Turk, B. E., and Calderwood, D. A. (2022) Tousled-like kinase 2 targets ASF1 histone chaperones through client mimicry. Nat Commun. 13, 749
Smiley, A. T., Tompkins, K. J., Pawlak, M. R., Krueger, A. J., Evans, R. L., Shi, K., Aihara, H., and Gordon, W. R. (2022) Watson-Crick Base-Pairing Requirements for ssDNA Recognition and Processing in Replication-Initiating HUH Endonucleases. mBio. 10.1128/mbio.02587-22
Cui, H., Carlson, A. S., Schleiff, M. A., Divakaran, A., Johnson, J. A., Buchholz, C. R., Zahid, H., Vail, N. R., Shi, K., Aihara, H., Harki, D. A., Miller, G. P., Topczewski, J. J., and Pomerantz, W. C. K. (2021) 4-Methyl-1,2,3-Triazoles as -Acetyl-Lysine Mimics Afford Potent BET Bromodomain Inhibitors with Improved Selectivity. J Med Chem. 64, 10497-10511
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Chen, C. - W., Pavlova, J. A., Lukianov, D. A., Tereshchenkov, A. G., Makarov, G. I., Khairullina, Z. Z., Tashlitsky, V. N., Paleskava, A., Konevega, A. L., Bogdanov, A. A., Osterman, I. A., Sumbatyan, N. V., and Polikanov, Y. S. (2021) Binding and Action of Triphenylphosphonium Analog of Chloramphenicol upon the Bacterial Ribosome. Antibiotics (Basel). 10.3390/antibiotics10040390
Chen, C. - W., Pavlova, J. A., Lukianov, D. A., Tereshchenkov, A. G., Makarov, G. I., Khairullina, Z. Z., Tashlitsky, V. N., Paleskava, A., Konevega, A. L., Bogdanov, A. A., Osterman, I. A., Sumbatyan, N. V., and Polikanov, Y. S. (2021) Binding and Action of Triphenylphosphonium Analog of Chloramphenicol upon the Bacterial Ribosome. Antibiotics (Basel). 10.3390/antibiotics10040390
Greaves, S. A., Ravindran, A., Santos, R. G., Chen, L., Falta, M. T., Wang, Y., Mitchell, A. M., Atif, S. M., Mack, D. G., Tinega, A. N., Maier, L. A., Dai, S., Pinilla, C., Grunewald, J., and Fontenot, A. P. (2021) CD4+ T cells in the lungs of acute sarcoidosis patients recognize an Aspergillus nidulans epitope. J Exp Med. 10.1084/jem.20210785
Hudson, J. D., Tamilselvan, E., Sotomayor, M., and Cooper, S. R. (2021) A complete Protocadherin-19 ectodomain model for evaluating epilepsy-causing mutations and potential protein interaction sites. Structure. 29, 1128-1143.e4
Bryan, C. M., Rocklin, G. J., Bick, M. J., Ford, A., Majri-Morrison, S., Kroll, A. V., Miller, C. J., Carter, L., Goreshnik, I., Kang, A., DiMaio, F., Tarbell, K. V., and Baker, D. (2021) Computational design of a synthetic PD-1 agonist. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 10.1073/pnas.2102164118
Ranjan, B., Choi, P. H., Pillai, S., Permaul, K., Tong, L., and Singh, S. (2021) Crystal structure of a thermophilic fungal cyanase and its implications on the catalytic mechanism for bioremediation. Sci Rep. 11, 277
Khan, N., Pelletier, D., McAlear, T. S., Croteau, N., Veyron, S., Bayne, A. N., Black, C., Ichikawa, M., Khalifa, A. Abdelzaher, Chaaban, S., Kurinov, I., Brouhard, G., Bechstedt, S., Bui, K. Huy, and Trempe, J. - F. (2021) Crystal structure of human PACRG in complex with MEIG1 reveals roles in axoneme formation and tubulin binding. Structure. 29, 572-586.e6
Lipper, C. H., Gabriel, K. - H., Seegar, T. C. M., Dürr, K. L., Tomlinson, M. G., and Blacklow, S. C. (2021) Crystal structure of the Tspan15 LEL domain reveals a conserved ADAM10 binding site. Structure. 10.1016/j.str.2021.10.007
Tal, N., Morehouse, B. R., Millman, A., Stokar-Avihail, A., Avraham, C., Fedorenko, T., Yirmiya, E., Herbst, E., Brandis, A., Mehlman, T., Oppenheimer-Shaanan, Y., Keszei, A. F. A., Shao, S., Amitai, G., Kranzusch, P. J., and Sorek, R. (2021) Cyclic CMP and cyclic UMP mediate bacterial immunity against phages. Cell. 184, 5728-5739.e16
Vorobieva, A. A., White, P., Liang, B., Horne, J. E., Bera, A. K., Chow, C. M., Gerben, S., Marx, S., Kang, A., Stiving, A. Q., Harvey, S. R., Marx, D. C., G Khan, N., Fleming, K. G., Wysocki, V. H., Brockwell, D. J., Tamm, L. K., Radford, S. E., and Baker, D. (2021) De novo design of transmembrane β barrels.. Science. 10.1126/science.abc8182
Hymel, D., Tsuji, K., Grant, R. A., Chingle, R. M., Kunciw, D. L., Yaffe, M. B., and Burke, T. R. (2021) Design and synthesis of a new orthogonally protected glutamic acid analog and its use in the preparation of high affinity polo-like kinase 1 polo-box domain - binding peptide macrocycles. Org Biomol Chem. 19, 7843-7854
Wittlinger, F., Heppner, D. E., To, C., Günther, M., Shin, B. Hee, Rana, J. K., Schmoker, A. M., Beyett, T. S., Berger, L. M., Berger, B. - T., Bauer, N., Vasta, J. D., Corona, C. R., Robers, M. B., Knapp, S., Jänne, P. A., Eck, M. J., and Laufer, S. A. (2021) Design of a "Two-in-One" Mutant-Selective Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitor That Spans the Orthosteric and Allosteric Sites. J Med Chem. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c00848
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Ye, G., Gallant, J., Zheng, J., Massey, C., Shi, K., Tai, W., Odle, A., Vickers, M., Shang, J., Wan, Y., Du, L., Aihara, H., Perlman, S., LeBeau, A., and Li, F. (2021) The development of Nanosota-1 as anti-SARS-CoV-2 nanobody drug candidates. Elife. 10.7554/eLife.64815
Rothenburger, T., Thomas, D., Schreiber, Y., Wratil, P. R., Pflantz, T., Knecht, K., Digianantonio, K., Temple, J., Schneider, C., Baldauf, H. - M., McLaughlin, K. - M., Rothweiler, F., Bilen, B., Farmand, S., Bojkova, D., Costa, R., Ferreirós, N., Geisslinger, G., Oellerich, T., Xiong, Y., Keppler, O. T., Wass, M. N., Michaelis, M., and Cinatl, J. (2021) Differences between intrinsic and acquired nucleoside analogue resistance in acute myeloid leukaemia cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 40, 317
Rothenburger, T., Thomas, D., Schreiber, Y., Wratil, P. R., Pflantz, T., Knecht, K., Digianantonio, K., Temple, J., Schneider, C., Baldauf, H. - M., McLaughlin, K. - M., Rothweiler, F., Bilen, B., Farmand, S., Bojkova, D., Costa, R., Ferreirós, N., Geisslinger, G., Oellerich, T., Xiong, Y., Keppler, O. T., Wass, M. N., Michaelis, M., and Cinatl, J. (2021) Differences between intrinsic and acquired nucleoside analogue resistance in acute myeloid leukaemia cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 40, 317
