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Ernst, A., Avvakumov, G., Tong, J., Fan, Y., Zhao, Y., Alberts, P., Persaud, A., Walker, J. R., Neculai, A. - M., Neculai, D., Vorobyov, A., Garg, P., Beatty, L., Chan, P. - K., Juang, Y. - C., Landry, M. - C., Yeh, C., Zeqiraj, E., Karamboulas, K., Allali-Hassani, A., Vedadi, M., Tyers, M., Moffat, J., Sicheri, F., Pelletier, L., Durocher, D., Raught, B., Rotin, D., Yang, J., Moran, M. F., Dhe-Paganon, S., and Sidhu, S. S. (2013) A strategy for modulation of enzymes in the ubiquitin system. Science. 339, 590-5
Garg, P., Ceccarelli, D. F., Keszei, A. Fa, Kourinov, I., Sicheri, F., and Sidhu, S. S. (2019) Structural and Functional Analysis of Ubiquitin-based inhibitors that Target the Backsides of E2 Enzymes. J Mol Biol. 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.09.024
Teyra, J., Singer, A. U., Schmitges, F. W., Jaynes, P., Lui, S. Kit Leng, Polyak, M. J., Fodil, N., Krieger, J. R., Tong, J., Schwerdtfeger, C., Brasher, B. B., Ceccarelli, D. F. J., Moffat, J., Sicheri, F., Moran, M. F., Gros, P., Eichhorn, P. J. A., Lenter, M., Boehmelt, G., and Sidhu, S. S. (2019) Structural and Functional Characterization of Ubiquitin Variant Inhibitors of USP15. Structure. 27, 590-605.e5
Tessier, T. M., Chowdhury, A., Stekel, Z., Fux, J., Sartori, M. Augusta, Teyra, J., Jarvik, N., Chung, J., Kurinov, I., Sicheri, F., Sidhu, S. S., Singer, A. U., and Zhang, W. (2023) Structural and functional validation of a highly specific Smurf2 inhibitor. Protein Sci. 10.1002/pro.4885
Gorelik, M., Manczyk, N., Pavlenco, A., Kurinov, I., Sidhu, S. S., and Sicheri, F. (2018) A Structure-Based Strategy for Engineering Selective Ubiquitin Variant Inhibitors of Skp1-Cul1-F-Box Ubiquitin Ligases. Structure. 10.1016/j.str.2018.06.004
Zhang, W., Wu, K. - P., Sartori, M. A., Kamadurai, H. B., Ordureau, A., Jiang, C., Mercredi, P. Y., Murchie, R., Hu, J., Persaud, A., Mukherjee, M., Li, N., Doye, A., Walker, J. R., Sheng, Y., Hao, Z., Li, Y., Brown, K. R., Lemichez, E., Chen, J., Tong, Y., J Harper, W., Moffat, J., Rotin, D., Schulman, B. A., and Sidhu, S. S. (2016) System-Wide Modulation of HECT E3 Ligases with Selective Ubiquitin Variant Probes. Mol Cell. 62, 121-36